Monday, January 28, 2013



Blogging is a time commitment, guys. You don't really realize it until you try to make yourself do it on a consistent basis. But, it's kind of tough. It also doesn't help when the blogger is 2 steps away from being an alcoholic. I'd have way more time for blogging if I wasn't so busy drinking. Either way, today I am making myself do this. 

There's 2 things I know about making myself do things:

1. Sometimes it ends up being awesome (ie: staying out on Saturday night when I didn't want to and meeting a guy who let me remove his jacket sleeves, wear them, and then be his arms for this amazing picture...)

2. Sometimes it ends up being awful (ie: this blog, probably).

TODAY IS MY BEST FRIEND'S 31st BIRTHDAY!!! And I don't mean it like my best friend that I met 3 nights ago at a bar and took a couple of shots with and have been texting eachother emoticons so we're automatic besties (that smiling poop gets me every time!). I'm talking, the person I've known for 18 years with whom I spent the majority of my formative years around all day every day best friend. 

We have so many great moments that I would love to share with you, but I'm going to narrow it down to 3 of my favorites. So with that, here goes:

1. Back in 2000 when the election race between Dubya and Gore was hotter than Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love - there were 2 houses next door to each other on one of the main streets in a sweet little Tennessee town called Hermitage. These two houses were separated by a street, and also by their political affiliation. It was obviously a big deal for them to make sure their neighbor, and the world, knew who they were voting for. They did this by buying the biggest yard signs for their respective candidates that I've ever seen in real life. From the road these signs looked like they were pretty big - but when you get up close to them you realize they are bigger than your body (John Mayer shout out!). Wait, how do we know how big they are? Oh, well, that's the thing... we decided one night, around midnight, that it would be an excellent idea if we switched their signs. In the year 2000 we were seniors in high school so obviously we were fearless. Of course running into two yards at midnight in a gun totin' state is something I would never do as a 29 year old...actually scratch that. I feel like this is something I would still do... but anyway back to the story. We park the car, run out, run to the first sign and OH SHIT THIS THING IS HUGE AND HEAVY AND BUILT WITH WOOD WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!! We were in too deep to give up, though, so stuck to our guns (arms not pistols) and made it across. I'm 80% sure I peed myself laughing, and also probably because I wasn't used to such heavy lifting. We got the one sign across and then half assed getting the second sign across, but we still got it there. The only thing I regret is not being there to see the looks on their faces the next morning when they realized what happened. In my head they both look like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone when he puts the aftershave on. Sidebar: Macaulay is not spelled at all like I thought it was. Sidebar to the sidebar: Who in the Robert Frost names their kid Macaulay?

2. Our friend Jay was getting married a few years ago and because I'm almost more dude than I am broad I was invited to the bachelor party. Said party included us getting a Hummer limo and bar hopping downtown. Oh and there was lots of booze. That's a thing. After a quick snafu of the limo literally losing power and us sitting on the side of the road and slamming beer, we finally make it out! So we get hammered, ride around the streets of downown, and somehow decide that obviously the tourists are going to think we are Tim McGraw and Faith Hill- so we start screaming out the window "ELLO!!!! I'M FAIT EEL AND THIS IS ME USBAND TIM MCGRAAAWL". Oh, does that sound like a poor man's British accent to you? Because it should. Why did we put on a British accent to scream to strangers that we were Country Music's power couple? I dunno, blame it on the goose. (got me feelin' loose).

3. In High School people that didn't know better thought he and I were dating. This is probably because he used to write me notes talking about getting me pregnant and we were together 24/7. (speaking of - one time my crazy pot smoking teacher found one of those notes and called my mom in for a parent teacher conference to tell her about it. Ole' moms knew it was harmless and ended up getting more mad at the teacher for making her leave work. Mer for the w.) We decided our Senior Year, as a goodbye to everyone, we would milk their misconception for all we could. This included staged fights in the hallway after a big break up in our school's Love Lines. For those of you who don't have schools that make you pay 50 cents to put together a paper on Valentine's Day where you can leave 160 characters or less (first twitter!!!!!!) for your friends and loved ones, Love Lines are a thing where you could pay 50 cents to write a love note to your friends and loved ones and then they published it in a paper. You also had to pay for the paper. The worst part of love lines (i guess for some people, I wouldn't know about it) is if you didn't get any. The best part of love lines is when Ben and I schemed and included the following:

"To Meredith: Roses are red, violets are blue, trash gets dumped and so did you. Love, Ben"

"To Benjamin: Roses are red, violets are blue, bugs make me puke and so do you. No Love, Mer"

For us and our friends this was a hilarious action. For everyone else, it was the worst thing to happen in 2001. Worse than when Britney and Justin called it quits. Worse than when N*SYNC stopped making albums. Worse than that time someone came into their yard and switched their damn yard signs. I mean, it was a big deal. Most of the flack came down on Ben, which is awesome for me. How dare he break up with me in such a mean way for the whole school who had $1 to read!!!!! I got so many hugs and condolences. It was very sweet. He got dirty looks and one time got accosted at the grocery store from one of the bag boys who went to school with us and wasn't at all happy with the way he mistreated me. This also resulted in the sweet, but not my type, sophomore in my science class who I had convinced that he and I couldn't date because I had a boyfriend, writing me the best love letter I have ever seen. I'm pretty sure he drew wrestlers, four leaf clovers, and my name in stars on it. Unfortunately for him, Ben and I fake got back together like 2 days later.

Seriously though you guys I hope you are all lucky enough to have, or have had, or will have, a friend as amazing as my Benny. He's so sweet it makes my teeth hurt, except for when he's drunk as fuck on his 31st birthday and stealing the air horn from my purse to blow at the bar, and then calling me bad names when the bartender demands I take it away from him. Don't worry about why I have an air horn in my purse.

Next blog may need to be about Teen Mom 2, simply because while watching it right now there are so many things I need to say about it.

Catch ya later, STD's!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Riggity Rap Songs

Hey!!! Long time no blog. I'm so sorry for leaving you for this long but there's 2 things I know for sure about distance:

1. It makes the heart grow fonder.
2. If it's between you and your internet girlfriend for so long that you never meet, it's probably a friend of yours fucking with you, so don't get too upset when she fake dies.

That catfish stuff is crazy right?! I mean, sure, there was a documentary and now tv show about real life people doing it - but not 2nd place Heisman almost winner's. That is some wackadoo stuff. 

I thought maybe we could take a break from catfishing and focus on a more important aspect of life-

Rap songs.

You know how sometimes you're in your car and you just downloaded the number 1 rap song on itunes and you don't understand half of what they're talking about because you're a white girl from Nashville, TN that relies on her black work roommates for all of your urban information?? Well, lucky for you - with the help of my Boy Co-Worker, I have broken down (decompressed, if you will. (shout out Draughns junior college associates degree style big word!)) this popular rap song for you into white people language. I hope you can follow along, It was really hard work. And, I'm not just saying that so you'll feel bad for me, I'm saying that because I want you to know how much I love and care about you so that I can gain your trust and in a year from now you can find out that I'm not who I say I am at all, and in fact, I fake died of elphantits. (rip, future catfish me)

No, but seriously - this is long. And it made my brain hurt. But it was totally worth it. The black part is the actual lyrics, the red part is the white people translation. Why is it red? because it can't be white or you wouldn't be able to read it (gadoi).

I give you.. Clique - by Big Sean, Kanye West, and Jay-Z

(Hook: Big Sean)

Ain't nobody fucking with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique
Ain't nobody fresher than my muthafuckin
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

As I look around, they don't do it like my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

And all these bad bitches, man, they want the
They want the, they want the

(Hook: Large Shane)

Nobody is going to mess with my
Bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs
Nobody is cooler than my freaking
Bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs
When I search the landscape nobody is quite like my
Bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs, bffs
And every really pretty girl, bruh, they want the
They want the, they want the

(Verse 1: Big Sean)

I tell a bad bitch do whatever I say
My block behind me like I'm coming out the driveway
It's grind day, from Friday, to next Friday
I been up straight for nine days, I need a spa day
Yup, she trying get me that poo-tang
I might let my crew bang,
my crew deeper than Wu Tang
I'm rolling with... fuck I'm saying? Girl, you know my crew name
You know 2 Chainz? Scrrr!
I'm pulling up in that Bruce Wayne
But I'm the fucking villain, man, they kneeling when I'm walking in the building
Freaky women I be feeling from the bank accounts I'm filling
What a feeling, ah man, they gotta be

Young player from the D that's killing everything that he see for the dough


(Verse 1: Large Shane)

When I speak to a beautiful woman I tell her to do what I tell her to
I’m friends with my neighbors so they will let me know if someone is trying to break into my house
I literally work 7 days a week – and I haven’t slept for 9. I need a massage.
Yes, She is trying to have sexual relations with me.
I would maybe let my best friends have sex with her – but I have a lot of best friends.
Here are some of my best friend’s names…jaykay, guys. You know who I hang out with.
Have you heard of that rapper named 2 chainz? Oh wait – here comes the Batmobile.
But jokes on you, you guys, because I’m the Joker. People pray when I’m around.
All the girls who are experienced sexually love me because I make a lot of money.
This is a really good day for a guy from Detroit who likes to date a lot of women and do illegal things for money


(Verse 2: Jay-Z)

Yeah, I'm talking Ye, yeah, I'm talking Rih
Yeah, I'm talking B, nigga, I'm talking me

Yeah, I'm talking bossy, I ain't talking Kelis
Your money too short, you can't be talking to me
Yeah, I'm talking LeBron, we ball in our family tree
G.O.O.D. Music drug-dealing cousin, ain't nothing fuckin' with we, me
Turn that 62 to 125, 125 to a 250
250 to a half a million, ain't nothin' nobody can do with me

Now who with me? ¡VĂ¡monos! Call me Hov or Jefe
Translation: I'm the shit, least that what my neck say
Least that what my check say,
lost my homie for a decade
Nigga down for like 12 years,
ain't hug his son since the second grade

He never told. Who he gonna tell? We top of the totem pole
It's the Dream Team meets the Supreme Team
And all our eyes green it only means one thing
You ain't fucking with the clique


(Verse 2: Sean Carter)

Yes, I am talking about Kanye, Yes, I am talking about Rihanna
Yes, I am talking about Beyonce, Friend, I’m talking about myself
Yes, I’m talking about being the boss, but I am NOT talking about Kelis !
If you are a poor I won’t talk to you so don’t try
Yes, I’m talking about being rich like LeBron James, everyone in my family is a rich
I am in the music industry and I also sell illegal substances, so don’t try to mess with me
I can turn $62,000 into $125,000, and then turn that $125,000 to $250,000
AND THEN turn $250,000 into $500,000, and nobody knows how I do it!
Does anybody want to help me do this? Let’s go! You can even call me by my nicknames.
Translation: I am really super awesome, I can buy 24k gold and diamonds.
You can look at my pay stubs – also, my friend got put in jail
He was there for like 12 years and he doesn’t get to see his offspring.
He never turned me into the authorities, besides, who would he tell? My dad is the Judge
And like I said – we’re super rich.
You are not messing with my bffs


(Verse 3: Kanye West)

Break records at Louis, ate breakfast at Gucci
My girl a superstar all from a home movie
Bow on our arrival - the un-American idols
What niggas did in Paris, got 'em hanging off the Eiffel
Yeah I'm talking business, we talking CIA
I'm talking George Tenet, I seen him the other day
He asked me about my Maybach, think he had the same
Except mine tinted and his might have been rented

You know white people get money, don't spend it
Or maybe they get money, buy a business
I rather buy 80 gold chains and go ign'ant
I know Spike Lee gone kill me but let me finish

Blame it on the pigment, we living no limits
Them gold Master P ceilings was just a figment 
Of our imagination, MTV cribs

Now I'm looking at a crib right next to where TC lives
That's Tom Cruise, whatever she accuse

He wasn't really drunk he just had a frew brews
Pass the refreshments, a cool, cool beverage
Everything I do need a news crew's presence
Speedboat swerve, homie watch out for the waves
I'm way too black to burn from sun rays
So I just meditate at the home in Pompeii
About how I could build a new Rome in one day
Everytime I'm in Vegas they screaming like he's Elvis
But I just wanna design hotels and nail it
Shit is real, got me feeling Israelian
Like Bar Refaeli,
Gisele, nah that's Brazilian

Went through, deep depression when my momma passed
Suicide, what kinda talk is that?

But I been talking to God for so long
And if you look at my life I guess he's talking back
Fucking with my clique


(Verse 3: Kevin East)

I spend a lot of money at Louis Vuitton and I basically go to Gucci every morning, you guys.
I date a girl who is famous because of a sex tape
But America still loves us so much
I made a really good album with my friend last year
We made a lot of money doing it and it was super serious.
I’ve literally been hanging out with the Director of Central Intelligence
He was asking me about my car because he thinks he has the same one
But I put that color tint on my windows and he just leases his
You know how white people like to save their money or put it into businesses
When I come into some money I would rather just spend it stupidly on necklaces
Spike Lee gets upset about it but I guess he just forgot that we’ve been doing this a long time as a culture
Remember Master P’s ceilings on MTV cribs? They were gold, for Christ sake.
I’m also looking into purchasing property in the same neighborhood as TC
That’s Tom Cruise, and you guys, he’s a really good dude no matter what Katie says in their divorce proceedings
He wasn’t drunk on Oprah that day, he just had a little buzz
In fact, I could use a nice cold Budweiser right now, could you pass me one?
Literally everything I do is so awesome that people think it’s newsworthy
Sometimes I ride on my jet ski, so be careful that I don’t splash you
And I don’t even need to wear sun screen because I never get sunburned
So I can just lay out at my vacation home and think about how I have so much money that I could literally build Rome in one day
When I go to Vegas people freak out like they see a dead person who OD’d on his toilet
And it kindof gets on my nerves because, look guys, I’m just trying to make really awesome hotels here.
This is real life! Haha “is real” sounds like Israel.
Isn’t Leonardo DiCapprio’s ex and Tom Brady’s co-parent from there? Oh, no, they are from Brazil.
When my mom died I got really sad and contemplated suicide – but that is so dumb
Instead, I just started praying and then God started speaking to me
So don’t mess with my bff’s


Oh and that boner dollar up there? Yeah, I own that. And I didn't even do it myself. It came that way. 


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bears can smell the menstruation

We watched Biggest Loser last night in between all of us checking our facebooks, twitters, words with friends, scrambles, draw somethings, emails, texts, and snap chats. 

There's 2 things I know for sure about Biggest Loser:

1. This guy's face is the best thing that ever happened to it.
2. Every week I get mad that it tells me to go out and exercise and then sucks me in for 2 hours of couch time. I could do at least 4 - 7 pushups in that amount of time. 

Beat it, Biggest Loser, but - GOOD MORNING INTERNETS!

I feel it should be appropriate to say good morning until you have your first cup of coffee. No matter what time it is. Nothing gets on my nerves more than when I tell someone "good morning" and they snootily reply something like "um, it's 12:34. It's the afternoon." Oh cool, thanks for letting me in on that secret. What I meant to say was "subpar afternoon to you, asshat."

I have a case of the bitters this morning (or afternoon if you've had coffee already. I haven't yet) because we have to go downtown in the rain. Nothing gets on my nerves more than finding out that you're not going to your favorite part of town but instead going to the part of town that charges you $5 for a miller lite and you know at some point you're going to be crotch to crotch with 50 strangers who think you're supposed to be super sweet to them because you live in the new "it" city. Sorry I'm not in the mood to deal with you, tourist, but I'm bleeding from my downstairs and my guts feel like an alien baby is going to rip itself out of me at any minute. (too much too soon?) Also, I just spent a mortgage payment on 17 beers (did I mention I'm an alcoholic?) that taste just like beer flavored water.

We're dressing like the 80's and playing bar golf today for my friend's birthday (if you're reading this, E, downtown is super fun and I can't wait to go. I love you, happy birthday, etc). I've never played before so I'm interested to see what happens here.  I've also never played real golf, unless you count putt putt, so I don't even really have those rules nailed down. I prefer sports with bigger balls that have stitching. (just like i like my men. vasectomies are sexy, amirite?!) Either way I'm sure once I get drunk I'll forget my attitude problem ever happened and all my friends will be like "omgahhh seeeee i told you that you'd have fun!!!" because that's what they do. And I have to be like OK YOU ARE RIGHT I KNOW I AM ALWAYS FUN IT IS A BLESSING AND A CURSE! (Just like getting your period! Full circle!!!)

Alright, time to pull myself up by the slap bracelet and throw on my fluorescent leg warmers so we can get this party started! Have a great Saturday you delicious cinnabuns.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Black people dont (w)rap

There's 2 things I know for sure about blogging:

1. Pretty much anybody with an internet connection and around 12 - 43 minutes of uninterrupted time can do it.
2. Not everyone should.

I'm probably in that second category, but lucky for you guys, I have very sweet and enthusiastic friends who think otherwise. Also lucky for you guys I made my password to this thing super easy so I would still remember it when I'm drunk. That's when the real magic happens. Just think of it as the master bedroom in an episode of MTV Cribs.  Keepin shit real. Keepin shit classy. Keepin shit reaaaaaaaaaaaaal classy.

Seriously, though, there is one reason and one reason only that I'm doing this. I need people to know about what happened at work today. I am going to use this new power (does blogging give you power?) to share with the world how different we all really are. Sure, people will tell you that deep down everyone is the same. But, those people are liars - because I found out today that apparently black people don't wrap presents for anything other than Christmas related gift giving.


I know. Let it marinate for a minute because this is real life. I was told this little nugget of information approximately 2 hours before I was called a token white girl. Those things aren't related in any capacity other than me being happy that I work with people that are comfortable with saying such things. Anyshit, let's get back to subject at hand. You think you know...but you have no idea. This is the diary of things I learn from my two black work roommates.

Before you ask yourself out loud as you're reading this how this subject would have ever come up, let me tell you. (oh my god am I in your head right now or what?!) I ordered a friend of mine a baby shower present that I had delivered to work and it is currently taking up residence behind my cubicle. The reason for this is one part laziness and one part I had some wrapping paper there that I ordered from a coworker's kid's fundraiser thing and the aforementioned one part laziness never took it home. Put it all together and you get - delivering things to work so you can wrap them there!!

So here we are on an average Thursday when Girl Coworker (I'm protecting the innocent here. She's already in the middle of a battle with someone big time invading her privacy, but that's a story for another day) asks what I'm going to do with the present. (Possibly her way of asking if I'm pregnant because she has to hear about my life second hand when I'm giving the scoop to Boy Coworker on the reg). I give her the, now obvious white person answer, that I was going to wrap it- duh. She then gives me the response heard 'round the world... "Oh, but is it for Christmas?".

I thought about just giving it to her. I mean, she's new. She's from Detroit. She has that other thing going on (you guys it's crazy). But, I couldn't let it go. It's January 10th. Christmas was over like a decade ago in drug store holiday time. (Easter stuff is already out. Too soon, Walgreens. We just celebrated the birth of Christ, for his sake, let the body get cold for a second before you force us to start being stoked about him rising from the dead. I will take 2 Cadbury eggs to go, however.)

Here's a quickie on how the rest of the conversation went:

Me: Well, no. It's for a baby shower.
GC: So you wrap presents for other things?
Me: I mean..yeah. Like for all holidays.
GC: So Thanksgiving, too?

At this point I'm starting to think she's fucking with me...

Me: ...No. Like, All holidays and events that require present giving.
GC: Seriously? You wrap presents for things besides Christmas?
Me: Well, yeah. Don't you?
GC: No. Never.

Then Boy Coworker hears and corroborates her confusion about it all. The next 10 or so minutes is spent convincing each other that we weren't judging, it just sounded so foreign. Then Boy Coworkers says "It must be a white people thing". 

And that was that. Can't argue with the truth.

After the initial shock of it all wore off for all parties, there was a short conversation about gift bags and how they come from Americans being too lazy to actually gift wrap anymore. Which lead for a second to BC asking if I was calling them lazy. Which went into a weird Django thing before we all laughed and laughed and then talked about how I needed to bridge this gap via blog form. People need to know that this is a real life thing. All this time white people have been wasting monies and energies gift wrapping when all you have to do is just hand people shit and they're just as amped about getting it. (cue the Les Mis - "dream" song)

So here it is. Pretend when you're done reading this a star shoots across the screen and I'm in the background singing.. The more you knoooooooow.

Smell ya later precious ponies.